Bath Advisors

How To Choose a Shower Curtain Rod? (Complete Buying Guide!)

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A shower curtain can make your bathroom décor game right, provided you choose the right shower curtain rod for it! These rods aren’t just straight, but there are multiple types available for different types of bathrooms.

You should choose a rod that looks stylish, helps you spread the curtain evenly, and should be highly durable to withstand the tests of time.

But how to choose a shower curtain rod is the biggest worry among many homeowners because of the different types.

How to Choose a Shower Curtain Rod

This article will discuss the most common types of shower curtain rods and some important factors to look for when buying them.

Types of Shower Curtain Rods

There are mainly five types of curtain rods that homeowners prefer. These types are most commonly available in the market that are easy to install, durable, and go with any type of decor.

1. Straight Shower Curtain Rods

HBlife Shower Curtain Rod

As you can easily guess from its name, these rods are straight and are compatible with almost every bathroom. Usually mounted between two straight walls using screws, these rods are the easiest to install and are made using durable materials, including stainless steel.

  • These curtain rods are versatile
  • Durable and reliable
  • Installing these rods is easier
  • You need to drill holes to install these curtain rods
  • Not for corner showering spaces

2. Curved Shower Curtain Rods

Chrsouly Adjustable Curved Shower Rod

The curved shower curtain rods bend outwards in the middle and are perfect for bathrooms with limited space. The curved rod offers more room for your arms, and you can comfortably take a shower.

Choose a curved curtain rod if you have an oval or curved bathtub. Lastly, these rods are adjustable, so you can adjust them depending on the space available in the bathroom.

  • Suitable for bathrooms with limited space
  • No hassles of trimming the rods since they are adjustable
  • You get more space to enjoy the shower
  • Expensive than straight rods
  • These rods require drilling holes in the wall

3. Rectangular Shower Curtain Rods

Kingston Brass Rectangular Shower Rod

Designed to hang down, these shower curtain rods offer maximum hanging space, so you can even use multiple curtains to get maximum coverage. If you have a bathtub that stands apart from the wall or is at the center of the bathroom, you should choose rectangular rods.

These rods have a big arm that installs with the ceiling, while one side of the rod attaches to a wall for added durability.

  • These fixed shower rods are highly durable
  • You can cover the entire bathtub
  • Most of these rods have height-adjustable arms
  • Not easy to install
  • Limited options available only

4. L-Shaped or Corner Shower Curtain Rod

Sikaiqi Stretchable L Shaped Corner Shower Curtain Rod

These rods are designed to fit in bathrooms with a corner shower area. The L-shape eliminates the hassles of bending the rod, and you can easily install it on the two adjacent walls of the showering space.

There are some L-shaped rods available that don’t require installing screws or drilling holes, as you can use a 3M double-sided tape to stick the rod securely in place.

  • Quick installation process
  • It does not damage the fragile tiles
  • No need to trim the rod or make adjustments
  • Suitable for corner shower areas only
  • No scope of adjusting the rod size

5. Tension Double Curved Shower Curtain Rods

Zenna Home NeverRust Aluminum Double Curved Tension Shower Curtain Rod

These shower curtain rods are easy to install but have fixed lengths. There are two thin stainless-steel cables attached to two metal flenches.

The high tension keeps the cables straight, so they don’t bend over and keep the shower curtains in place.

  • You can install a curtain liner using these rods
  • No need to drill holes to install these rods
  • Mostly made using metals, so they are durable
  • If the stainless-steel cable loses tension, you cannot fix it
  • You cannot adjust the rod’s length

How To Choose a Shower Curtain Rod – Shower Curtain Rod Buying Guide

Choosing a shower curtain rod should depend on multiple factors such as material, design, type, and ease of installation.

Shower Curtain Rod Buying Guide

Here is your shower curtain rod buying guide with some factors to keep in mind to get the best shower curtain rods.

1. Type

The first thing you need to consider is the shape of the rod. It should depend on the shape of the bathroom and the space available.

If you have two adjacent walls, a straight rod should be the best fit, whereas, for bathrooms with a corner showering area, L-shaped rods are great.

2. Size

Not every rod has the same length, so you should choose one depending on the space available in your bathroom. First, measure the distance between the walls, and then choose a rod accordingly.

There are some adjustable rods available in the market, so you can quickly adjust the rod’s length to install it in the bathroom.

3. Material

The next important factor is the material since it’ll affect the durability and the lifespan of the rod. Shower curtain rods are usually made using stainless steel. The material does not require a lot of care and lasts longer.

You can even consider durable plastic rods that have a premium finish if you are low on budget. It would be great to skim through the customer reviews when deciding on the shower curtain rod materials.

4. Ease of Installation

When choosing shower curtain rods, make sure to go for one that’s easy to install. Some rods require drilling holes, whereas some come with a 3M adhesive strip so you can easily stick them to the wall.

Installing a rod is not a task; still, you should go for a shower curtain rod that does not require calling a professional.


Q1: Do Tension Shower Rods Work on Tile?

Yes, tension shower rods work on tile, but you need to install them strategically. Put one end of the rod higher than you want it, and slowly slide it down until you get the perfect angle. Install the rod using screws and hang a curtain over it.

Q2: Why does my Shower Rod keep Falling?

There can be several reasons behind it, including improper installation and shorter rod length. It would be great to watch some DIY installation videos to install the shower curtain rod properly. Also, measure the length of your bathroom to get the best curtain rod size.

Q3: What kind of Shower Rod won’t Rust?

The main cause of rusting is moisture, which is common in bathrooms. You should go for a stainless-steel shower rod because the material is easy to clean and does not catch rust easily. However, it is important to clean the rod regularly to prolong its lifespan.

Q4: How high Should a Shower Curtain Rod Be?

The height of the shower curtain rod depends on your personal preference. If you are 6 feet tall and need enough space to enjoy a bath, you should hang the rod at least 7 feet high from the ground. Always place the rod at least 1 foot high than your height to use it without any hassles.

Q5: Are Stick-on Shower Curtain Rods Durable?

Adhesive Shower Curtain Rod Holders for the Wall

The durability of such rods depends on the strength of the adhesive. Always buy branded rods that use 3M adhesive strips to keep the rod securely in place.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how to choose a shower curtain rod, it’s time to make a choice. Keep the aforementioned factors in mind, and you’ll be able to choose the perfect rod that’s durable, easy to install, and makes your bathroom look good.

Lastly, it is crucial to check out the best shower curtain rods and read some customer reviews to make an informed choice.


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